全民健康托起全面小康! 国新办发布《​中国的全面小康》白皮书

纪实网讯 国务院新闻办公室9月28日发表《中国的全面小康白皮书。白皮书指出,全民健康托起全面小康。






Health care is ensured for all.In its early days the PRC was ravaged by disease and plagued by in a dequate medical resources,but it is now capable of effective disease prevention and control,and of providing satisfactory medical services to its people.It has shifted its medical insurance policy from local reimbursement only to trans-regional settlement,and extended its medical services from hospitals only to care provided by growing numbers of contracted family doctors.These represent components of asound medical and health care system with better allocated medical resources,and help to address the problems of difficult and expensive access to medical treatment(Panel 6).


Panel 6 Achievements in Medical and Health CareServices

Based on its national conditions,China constantlyrefines its three-level medical service network covering urban and rural areas,with disease prevention remaining the priority.It has given better access to medical services to one fifth of the world’s population.In 2020,the number ofmedical and health institutions in China exceeded 1 million,with 9.1 million beds and 10.7 million health professionals.A basic public health servicesystem is in place,providing disease prevention and control,health education,maternal and child health care,and mental health care,among other professional services.

Equal access to basic public health services issupported by a per capita government subsidy that has increased from RMB15 in2009 to RMB74 in 2020.Nineteen services including endemic disease prevention and treatment have been added to the 12 categories of basic public health services,provided to the public free of charge.

The average life expectancy in China rose from67.8 years in 1981 to 77.3 years in 2019;infant mortality declined from 37.6per 1,000 at the end of 1970s to 5.4 per 1,000 in 2020;and maternal mortality dropped from 43.2 per 100,000 in 2002 to 16.9 per 100,000 in 2020.


Medical technologies and service capabilities haverisen as internet applications boost the sector.As part of its endeavor toensure affordable and effective medical services,China has brought drug prices down to reasonable levels and regularly adds common drugs and life-saving drugs to the medical insurance list.There is no letup in the drive to provide equal access to basic public medical services in both urban and rural areas.A better medical and health care service system and a sound medical insurance system inrural areas have guaranteed medical services for rural residents,and helped prevent people from falling into,or back into poverty due to ill health.


The Healthy China initiative is part of the country’s effort to pursue fitness for all and health for all.The results canbe seen in the form of lifestyles,approaches to work,and models of social and economic development and governance that are conducive to public health.Inpublic health,China has steadily risen from an average world rating to thefront ranks among middle-income countries.China’s fight against Covid-19 safeguards the life and health of the people,and its achievements in this battle bear witness to the strengths of China’s medical and health care system.



上一篇 2021年10月1日 上午12:00
下一篇 2021年10月9日


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